1-B-4 - PBGC Update - Multiemployer Edition
Over the past year, PBGC has updated its final regulations governing the Special Financial Assistance (SFA) Program, as well as its assumptions guidance and filing instructions. The Agency also issued proposed regulations on 4044 interest rates and other assumptions. This session is an opportunity for multiemployer pension actuaries to hear directly from PBGC on the SFA program and other key topics of interest in regard to PBGC’s multiemployer insurance program. Representatives discuss updated statistics about plans that have already received assistance, observations on the application process, PBGC guidance, “lessons learned” from applications received to-date, what to expect for plans that have not yet applied, changes in census data review and other changes in the last year, and information on compliance with conditions after receiving SFA, including the impact of new 4044 rules on the SFA withdrawal liability interest rate conditions; provide an update on the 4213 regulation on withdrawal liability interest rates, proposed in late 2022; review PBGC’s most recent financial position and projected funding position of the multiemployer insurance program; and cover other PBGC activities – including upcoming regulations, recent PBGC guidance, and newly available resources (i.e., the most recent pension insurance data tables and recent multiemployer plan-related research reports).