Professionalism Revisited

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What does professionalism mean for an Actuary? What does professionalism mean for a Consultant? "Actuarial Professionalism" starts with the Code, Qualification Standards, and ASOPs, but that is not where it ends. Join the panelists in this CCA cross discipline webinar for a discussion that reviews the definitions of professionalism in the documents that guide actuaries; and explores how those definitions compare to other professions as well as if, or how, the concept of professionalism should extend beyond these concepts to guide you throughout your career.

This webinar is intended to provide 1.5 of the USQS Professionalism requirement; however, the individual actuary is responsible for making this determination based on the applicability of the subject matter.


CPD Credit: 1.50 EA Core Credit: 1.50 EA Ethics Credit: EA Non-Core Credit: EA Formal Credit: 1.50