CCA Member Spotlight
The consulting actuary doesn’t sit on the sidelines. We’re front and center – the movers and shakers – unafraid of using our powers of intellect and charm to advise and conquer. We’re also individuals with countless extraordinary stories to tell. This page will feature the stories of CCA members - who they are and what they do both inside and out of the actuarial world.
Meet CCA Member: Todd Tauzer
Meet your fellow CCA member, Todd Tauzer. Todd has been a CCA member since 2017 and is a dedicated volunteer and speaker. He’s tenacious and deliberate in his pursuits and values family time. Others would describe him as fun to be around, a problem solver and filled with gratitude. Get to know a little bit more about Todd by reading his member spotlight.
Name: Todd Tauzer | Location: Davis, CA | Employer: Segal | Area of Practice: Public Retirement
When I was in college trying to figure out what to do next, I had the opportunity to speak with an old family friend who had been an actuary for many years. He essentially advised me not to become an actuary because the exams are so difficult, they create a barrier to entry that most people cannot handle. That challenge sparked my interest, and the rest is history.
Similar to other recent spotlights, I view the CCA as a home for me in my profession. Other organizations are important, even essential, but the CCA is unique in bringing members together and building bonds that last a lifetime.
I consider myself a person of deep faith, and without a doubt value the Bible above all other books. I read it cover to cover multiple times a year, and it is foundational to my family, career, and all other choices in life. Highly recommended!
Early in my career there was a supervising actuary named David who led a team of actuaries doing "special projects" for our employer. He and I quickly shared a bond on how to problem solve and approach challenges and he recruited me for his team after one year there. I distinctly remember the interview, as one part of it was a series of logic/problem solving puzzles to test thinking on your feet. He was always excellent at teaching and developing instead of just getting to an answer through the path of least resistance, and I am grateful to have had his support, friendship and example.
I have enjoyed many opportunities and challenges over the years, but the one that feels a bit unique is being the only actuary at my first employer to have never needed to retake any of the associate or fellowship exams.
I went to the University of California, Davis, and double majored in Math and Economics, with a minor in Mandarin. I also played many intramural sports but only came away with one championship - Ultimate Frisbee!
Start by getting experience wherever you can. It doesn't have to be a dream job. Any job you excel at will allow you to build skills, experience, and most importantly - mentors and allies (and references). The same goes for volunteer opportunities, which for me have been gifts I'm thankful for. From there you'll be able to determine what interests and satisfies you most and have the capital and support to take the next step in that direction.
Honestly that life is short, aging is quick, and time never stops. So, to beware of passivity and defaults (inertia) in life's choices and actions, and consider your current direction and path carefully.
There are a lot of things I love doing, but to throw one really out there I've always thought it'd be fun to be a foreigner singing professionally in China.
I have a wonderful family with a 10-, 7-, and 5-year-old, and a (timeless) wife. Free time is definitely centered around them. Right now, we're reading through the Harry Potter books together (currently on The Goblet of Fire!), often by our hearth to a crackling fire, and starting to introduce them to strategy board games. We are also blessed to live near family and friends.
(shameless plug) Let me know at the next CCA Annual if you want to Karaoke! We'll have a blast.
[Have a question for Todd? Send the CCA an email at containing your contact information, and we’ll get the message to him on your behalf.]