1-A-1 - Post-Election Legislative/Regulatory Landscape

Over the last few years, broad retirement legislation has passed Congress and become law. This includes the SECURE Act and SECURE 2.0, The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (which modified and extended interest rate stabilization), as well as pandemic‐related legislation (CARES Act, ARPA, etc.). Today there are additional bills and prospective legislation floating through the halls of Congress, as well as proposals included in the political parties’ platforms. Speakers at this session review potential legislation that could affect the retirement plan landscape if they eventually pass. Note that the allocation of EA Core/Non-Core credit depends on the actual content of the presentation.


Mr. Joshua Shapiro

Groom Law Group, Chartered

Mr. Kent A. Mason

Davis & Harman LLP

Ms. Isaacson Kendra Isaacson


Ms. Jeannine Markoe Raymond

National Assn. of State Retiremt. Admins.

Ms. Lynn D. Dudley

American Benefits Council


CPD Credit: 1.50 EA Core Credit: 0.00 EA Ethics Credit: 0.00 EA Non-Core Credit: 1.50 EA Formal Credit: 1.50