2-C-1 - Pension Regulations Post-Chevron

A potentially seismic shift in federally regulated industries may occur with the Supreme Court’s elimination of Chevron deference, and allowing regulations to be challenged many years after their publication. What does this mean for regulations governing fiduciary duties, actuarial assumptions, pension benefits, and more? Panelists will discuss what Chevron deference was, how it affected agency interpretations of pension statutes, and the likely effect of Loper Bright and Corner Post on pension actuaries.


Katherine B. Kohn

Thompson Hine LLP

Mr. David R. Godofsky

Alston & Bird, LLP

Ms. Brantley Webb

Mayer Brown


CPD Credit: 1.50 EA Core Credit: 1.50 EA Ethics Credit: 0.00 EA Non-Core Credit: 0.00 EA Formal Credit: 1.50