Annual Meeting Sessions

Monday, October 28

002 - Business Session & Naked Networking with Kari Mirabal

The CCA’s Business Session precedes the Monday General Session with the welcoming of attendees, announcement of new directors and officers, Treasurer’s Report and presentation of the CCA’s annual awards. Our keynote presentation by Kari Mirabal immediately follows. Today’s competitive business market demands results, and a powerful circle of influence can help you achieve optimal results. Welcome to NAKED Networking® - a dynamic keynote that explores five common networking mistakes (and provides solutions). You'll explore an easy to remember acronym, NAKED (Neglect, Afraid, Knowledge, Engage, Dedicate) with Kari Mirabal, networking expert and high-energy presenter who leaves audiences begging for more. She leverages storytelling and simple real-world strategies to build and sustain authentic connections. Discover how to position yourself for success in this energizing experience that challenges you to build and sustain powerful networks. Brace yourself for an exhilarating journey as you dive into creative methods to "NETWORK SMARTER".
CPD Credit: 1.50

101 - Late Breaking Developments

Expert speakers discuss the latest developments in the private pension sector. Recent rulings and regulations (proposed and final) are covered in addition to pending retirement plan legislation and litigation activity.
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Core Credit: 0.75
EA Non-Core Credit: 0.75
EA Formal Credit: 1.50

102 - (When Things Don't Go According to) Plan Administration

Late retirement can introduce plan administration complexities including actuarial increase of required minimum distributions. Panelists discuss the issues to look out for and offer practical approaches to late retirement issues.
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Core Credit: 1.50
EA Formal Credit: 1.50

103 - Just Your Average Annuity Placement Session

As the annuity purchase market evolves, so do the insurers. In past Annual Meeting sessions, we’ve taken a broad view of the PRT market. Speakers in this session focus on average-sized annuity placements and below and the issues associated with them. You’ll walk away with the perspective from some of the insurers that participate in small to mid-sized transactions.
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Non-Core Credit: 1.50
EA Formal Credit: 1.50

104 - AI in Health Care Delivery

AI has tremendous potential to influence how healthcare is delivered with expectations of a more efficient and cost-effective healthcare system. Presenters focus on how AI is currently being deployed and where it may lead in the diagnoses, delivery, and administration of healthcare. The intention of the discussion is to help the healthcare actuary better understand the changes that are occurring, and may occur in the future, such that they can best prepared to reflect these adaptations into their financial models.
CPD Credit: 1.50

105 - Healthcare 2030: Where Are We Headed?

Aging population, shrinking provider pool, hospital consolidation and closures, and the impact of technology. The macroeconomic healthcare environment will change in ways both known and unknown in the next 5-10 years. Join our panel of experts and futurists as we peer into the crystal ball to consider the impact of possible futures in the healthcare market.
CPD Credit: 1.50

106 - Total Well-Being - How Forward Looking Employers are Responding

Employees’ physical, mental, social, and financial health impacts their productivity and engagement – making it a business imperative. Employers are focusing on the diverse needs of its multigenerational workforce in developing their well-being approach. In addition, questions about the ROI of these program require strong strategy and governance to maximize the impact of these programs. Join us for this interactive session.
CPD Credit: 1.50

107 - CCA White Paper 2.0

In May 2024 the CCA released an exposure draft of a revision to their white paper “Actuarial Funding Policies and Practices for Public Pension Plans.” Speakers at this session review what is new in “white paper 2.0” including areas where the public sector community was invited to comment.
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Non-Core Credit: 1.50
EA Formal Credit: 1.50

108 - Withdrawal Liability - A Legal Perspective

The panel will consist of several attorneys specializing in multiemployer pension plans. They will discuss current contentious legal issues affecting these plans. Topics will include: withdrawal liability discount rates, timing of assumptions, changes, successor liability, etc.
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Core Credit: 1.50
EA Formal Credit: 1.50

109 - Interconnected Global Economy: Trade Wars and Comparing Employer Costs

Global supply chains are on the move. Highlighting changing demographic trends. Speakers at this session explore how actuaries in HR can influence corporate decisions. They discuss changing population, education, future of work and impact on labor costs.
CPD Credit: 1.50

201 - Orange is the New Gray

For its members, the CCA maintains a library of CCA’s Pension Actuarial Resource Committee discussion of technical and regulatory retirement topic questions submitted by members. The discussions are similar to the former Gray Books (IRS), Blue Books (PBGC), and Green Books (DOL) published at the EA Meeting. Panelists lead a review of recent discussions of particular interest and facilitate a dialogue on practical implications and alternative approaches.
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Core Credit: 1.50
EA Formal Credit: 1.50

202 - Decumulation/Retirement Income Planning in a DC World

DC plans can provide a great retirement benefit but most participants rely on some form of withdrawal rather than convert some of their assets into lifetime income. With interest rates at today’s levels and some of the recent SECURE Act changes is it time for lifetime income to finally take off?
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Non-Core Credit: 1.50
EA Formal Credit: 1.50

203 - Retiree Medical Plan Design and Funding Opportunities

Want to hear about the latest design opportunities with retiree medical plans, options and issues for funding them and implications for valuing such plans? Join our panelists as they discuss these very topics. Specific items include: Use of Medicare Advantage plans, HRAs, and Pre-Medicare designs; funding retiree medical plans through VEBA trusts, 401(h) accounts, and 420 transfers as well as how to determine the maximum tax-deductible contribution; a review of assumptions specific to retiree medical plan valuations such as draw-down, assumptions for account-based plans, and reconciling pre-65 expected benefit payments.
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Non-Core Credit: 0.75
EA Formal Credit: 0.75

205 - Large Claimant Trends and Risk Mitigation

Join us for an interactive discussion on what conditions and treatments are driving large claims in employer health plans and what may be on the horizon. Explore what employers are considering in stoploss strategies to help mitigate ever increasing claims projection volatility.
CPD Credit: 1.50

206 - Evolving Trends in ERISA and Related Litigation

Speakers at this session provide an introduction to the stages of class action litigation, and then examine the key trends in current litigation spanning DC plans, investments, DB plans, and health plan topics.
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Non-Core Credit: 1.50
EA Formal Credit: 1.50

207 - GFOA Best Practices and Advisories

The Committee on Retirement Benefits Administration (CORBA) of the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) issues best practices (do this) and advisories (don’t do this) related to public pension and OPEB plans. In the last two years, CORBA has made a strong effort to review and update these documents. Speakers at this session discuss what’s new and notable within CORBA’s best practices and advisories. These will include the Best Practice on “Core Elements of a Funding Policy for Governmental Pension and OPEB Plans”, the Best Practice on “Sustainable Funding Practices for Defined Benefit Pensions and OPEB”, and potentially a fresh update to the Advisory on “Pension Obligation Bonds”. BP – Core elements of funding policy for pensions/OPEB BP – Sustainable funding practices for pensions/OPEB Advisory – Pension Obligation Bonds
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Non-Core Credit: 1.50
EA Formal Credit: 1.50

208 - PBGC Update for Single and Multiemployer Plans

PBGC provides an update on recent regulations and the Corporation’s regulatory agenda impacting multiemployer and single-employer plans.
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Core Credit: 1.50
EA Formal Credit: 1.50

209 - Interest Rates?

A long period of liberal monetary policy and historically low rates followed the capital market crisis of 2008. Then everything changed. The COVID crisis brought a flood of fiscal stimulus, and inflation surged. In response, the Fed tightened monetary policy and rates rose dramatically. Now inflation is winding down, and monetary policy is certain to loosen. What will happen to interest rates? There’s a consensus that they’ll drop, but how much? What’s the natural level of rates absent policy intervention? Speakers explore the supply/demand drivers of rates and implications for the near and long term.
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Non-Core Credit: 1.50
EA Formal Credit: 1.50

301 - Practical Applications of Retirement ASOPs

Retirement ASOPs continue to be updated and practical application of these changes also evolves. Presenters discuss recent changes and share considerations on how to implement into your work.
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Core Credit: 1.50
EA Formal Credit: 1.50

302 - ERISA Trivia

ERISA turns 50! Whether you are a new Enrolled Actuary or have a few years under your belt, spend 75 minutes testing your actuarial knowledge.
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Core Credit: 1.50
EA Formal Credit: 1.50

303 - M&A Activity with Multiemployer Liability Exposure

It is not uncommon for retirement plan consultants to help with M&A activity. But what happens when your client is acquiring a company with multiemployer liability exposure? The speakers in this session walk through the key considerations and analysis that needs to be addressed to help your client make optimal decision with respect to their target acquisition.
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Core Credit: 1.50
EA Formal Credit: 1.50

304 - Shining a Light: The Transformative Power of Healthcare Transparency Data

In this illuminating session speaker delve into the pivotal role of healthcare transparency data in shaping the future of healthcare. We’ll explore how transparency data enables objective evaluation of healthcare quality, cost effectiveness, and practical outcomes. Ultimately, we will look to underscore the indispensable value of transparency data in facilitating informed evaluations and continuous enhancement within the healthcare landscape.
CPD Credit: 1.50

305 - Health Equity - Affordability and Access to Care (Including Telehealth)

What is health equity and access? Factors that impact access to care and affordability. Telehealth benefits and barriers.
CPD Credit: 1.50

306 - Navigating the Gator-Infested Waters With Assistance from the ABCD

Come and see how the ABCD can help you through its Request for Guidance program and hear some case studies on what not to do.
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Core Credit: 1.50
EA Formal Credit: 1.50

307 - Investing Strategies for Public Plans Including Leverage, CMAs and Alternatives

The low interest rate environment of the last 15 years has resulted in public retirement systems increasing the usage of leverage and alternative investments to enhance returns. Speakers explore how these strategies have evolved over the years and what the actuary should consider when reviewing capital market assumptions. Hear directly from investment and retirement system experts.
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Non-Core Credit: 1.50
EA Formal Credit: 1.50

308 - Dueling Multiemployer Actuaries: What we Like to Argue About These Days?

Enjoy watching a good debate? Come watch multiemployer actuaries discuss the gray areas of the profession.
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Core Credit: 1.50
EA Formal Credit: 1.50

309 - Reflecting Climate Change in the Management of Public and Private Pension Plans

Our financial future is undeniably linked to the health of our planet, making the integration of climate change into the management of pension plan a critical need. Speakers from outside the USA who have studied and reacted to these needs speak of the urgency and their experiences with both private and public plans.
CPD Credit: 1.50

Leadership Development Community Luncheon

During this lunch session, we’ll explore various styles of leadership. We’ll look at what leadership is and how different styles of leadership work, their benefits, and their challenges. Understanding different leadership styles is key to your success in whatever situations you find yourself.