Annual Meeting Sessions

Wednesday, October 30

005 - A Nonpartisan Overview of Politics and Economic Outlook: The 2024 Elections and Beyond

The 2024 CCA Annual Meeting concludes with the final remarks of the CCA President, the passing of the gavel to the President Elect, and our closing general session from Jeff Bush. In his Washington Update, Jeff Bush delivers a nonpartisan, comprehensive review of Washington, D.C. legislation and regulation affecting investors, financial advisors, and business leaders built on his 30+ years of experience in the financial services and political analysis industries. In his unique and entertaining style, Jeff breaks down the upcoming 2024 elections, analyzing potential outcomes and ramifications for the U.S. economy, and providing insights and strategies for businesses to prepare and thrive amidst the evolving political and economic landscape.
CPD Credit: 1.50

601 - Small Plan Terminations - PBGC and Non-PBGC Plans

Speakers cover small plan terminations for PBGC and non-PBGC plans. We will review the general steps to consider when terminating a pension plan. Some issues to be covered are participant notification, distribution of plan assets, communication with service providers, compliance with PBGC regulations and participant education.
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Core Credit: 1.50
EA Formal Credit: 1.50

602 - Successfully Working With the PBGC

Panelists discuss issues relating to single-employer plans and PBGC that companies may face. Speakers discuss recent developments and provide practical tips and best practices for working with PBGC. Topics may include PBGC’s recent outreach to church plans following the 2023 Government Accountability Report on those plans, standard terminations, the early-warning program, 4010 filings, reportable events, coverage, recent guidance and developments and the Advocate.
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Core Credit: 1.50
EA Formal Credit: 1.50

603 - Communicating Actuarial Results

Communicating technical actuarial results can be just as complicated as the work that goes into the numbers. Speakers discuss the various approaches to communicating pension actuarial work product in a way that principals can understand and make informed decisions.
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Non-Core Credit: 1.50
EA Formal Credit: 1.50

604 - Healthcare Trends and Forecasting in a High Inflationary Environment

We’ll discuss current trends and drivers of healthcare costs, as well as how stakeholders such as consumers, providers, insurers, legislators, and employers are responding.
CPD Credit: 1.50

605 - Consumerism in Healthcare? Yes!

How can employers and payers better engage members from plan selection through to health improvement? Panelists cover how the industry is addressing this challenge and laying out the road map to be more consumer focused leveraging today’s technology. In addition, an Aon representative provides highlights of their recent Surest study focused on affordability and access. Finally, consumerism needs to work financially for both employers and payers. Speakers discuss how payers are partnering with employers to enhance consumerism across all aspects of healthcare.
CPD Credit: 1.50

606 - Lessons Learned From Starting and Running a New Consulting Business

While the dream of starting your own consulting firm can be very attractive, many consultants have found that they encountered unexpected or surprising issues. Speakers cover the most critical challenges they have faced with their own firms, including data security, difficult client expectations and working with subcontractors.
CPD Credit: 1.50

607 - OPEB Funding

Speakers cover a variety of topics related to OPEB Funding, including key elements of an OPEB contribution policy, the advantages and drawbacks to OPEB pre-funding, and the similarities and differences between OPEB and pension pre-funding.
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Non-Core Credit: 0.75
EA Formal Credit: 0.75

608 - Multiemployer Workshop and Hot Topics

Speakers dive into hot topics within the multiemployer universe. Current issues, outlooks, and the latest news are addressed and debated.
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Core Credit: 1.50
EA Formal Credit: 1.50

609 - Social Security: What Went Wrong?

Social Security reform legislation of 1983 purported to address that system’s funding, and stabilize the program into the 2060s -- beyond the lifetime of baby boomers. But the Social Security trust fund is now projected to be depleted in 2034. What went wrong? What did the 1983 system’s architects project that turned out to be over-optimistic? (Hint: it wasn’t demographics.) This session will compare the demographic and economic realities of today to what those 1983 folks projected. Are there any lessons to be learned that we can apply to current model-building approaches?
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Non-Core Credit: 1.50
EA Formal Credit: 1.50

701 - Small Plan Administration and Corrections

Join us for an informative session on plan administration and corrections for small plans. This session will cover key aspects of managing retirement plans in the current regulatory environment. This session will also cover the IRS programs for corrections such as the Employee Plans Compliance Resolution System (EPCRS) and the Self Correction Program (SCP).
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Core Credit: 1.50
EA Formal Credit: 1.50

702 - Preparing for Retirement Plan Accounting Disclosures

At this session, presenters discuss lessons learned from prior disclosure () and help you prepare for upcoming disclosures.
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Non-Core Credit: 1.50
EA Formal Credit: 1.50

703 - Fiduciary Considerations in Annuity Placements

Doc. 1.B 95-1 provides guidance to fiduciaries purchasing annuities but there is a lot to consider when acting as a fiduciary. Panelists discuss the new congress report (if released), public testimony on 95-1 requirements, state guaranty structures, and the new investment advice fiduciary rule and best practices around annuity placements.
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Core Credit: 0.75
EA Non-Core Credit: 0.75
EA Formal Credit: 1.50

704 - Pharmacy Forward: Navigating Recent Shifts and Anticipating Future Trends

Pharmacy discussion moving past the impact of GLP-1 and discussing the impact of biosimilars and other emerging trends. Can also cover impact of cost negotiations for Medicare drugs. Gain valuable insights to navigate these shifts and stay ahead in this ever-evolving healthcare sector.
CPD Credit: 1.50

705 - Behavioral Health: Analytics and the Current State

There has been an increased focus on behavioral health care since the onset of the pandemic. Panelists delve into recent examples of analytics in the behavioral health space and current issues in the United States behavioral health system they help illustrate. Recent regulation updates and innovations are also addressed.
CPD Credit: 1.50

706 - The Crossroads Between DB and DC: How Did We Get Here and What Does the Future State Resemble?

Retirement is broken. Too many Americans can’t afford to retire. This is a problem for workers and employers. This session will explore what is causing the problem, why it matters, and who we can, as actuaries, help fix it.
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Non-Core Credit: 1.50
EA Formal Credit: 1.50

707 - Public Plans Workshop

This is an open forum on topics of interest to public sector actuaries. The topics are selected by session attendees and may include: funding to surplus, volatility management, impact of higher interest rates on plan design, economic assumptions including ASOP 27, and ASOP 4.
CPD Credit: 1.50
EA Non-Core Credit: 1.50
EA Formal Credit: 1.50

708 - Non-DB Benefits for Multiemployer Actuaries

Multiemployer defined benefit pension plans do not operate in a vacuum and are directly impacted by the issues and challenges facing the other benefits negotiated as part of the collective bargaining process. Join our panel of experts to learn about some of the most pressing policy issues facing multiemployer health and welfare and defined contribution plans that are impacting your clients through the collective bargaining process.
CPD Credit: 1.50

709 - The Global Use of Technology in Helping Participants Understand Risk in Pension Plans

There are numerous topics being addressed in Europe (particularly in the Netherlands) and Latin America. During this session, panelists discuss some of the current topics within these geographic areas, how local teams are addressing them, and their points of view.
CPD Credit: 1.50