Finding Success through Failure

How I Conquered the New York Marathon: One Step at a Time

[November 2024] Today was the big day—the New York Marathon. As I stood at the starting line, I knew I was about to tackle a long, challenging journey. To make it manageable, I decided to break the race into chunks: the start, the first few miles, the halfway point, and then the final stretch to the finish line.

Mile 5: Feeling Great

A little past mile 5, I felt amazing. I love race day!

Halfway Point: Crossing from Brooklyn to Queens

Reaching the halfway mark felt like a significant milestone. Crossing the bridge from Brooklyn to Queens, I was still feeling strong and looking forward to the next leg of the race: the Bronx.  

Mile 20: Hitting the Wall

By mile 20, I was in the Bronx and beginning to feel the strain. This is where many runners encounter the dreaded "wall," and I was no exception. My body hurt. But I reminded myself this was the last stretch. I just keep going—one step at a time.

The Finish Line: Victory and Reflection

I did it! I crossed the finish line of the New York Marathon. It was a tough day, but breaking the race into smaller pieces helped. The first part flew by, and even when mile 20 hit me hard, I kept plugging away until I reached the end.

Now, I get to celebrate with a shiny new medal and a bright orange poncho—my well-earned badge of honor.

My Takeaway: Break It Down

Running a marathon is a lot like tackling a big project. It can feel overwhelming if you look at it all at once. But when you break it down into smaller pieces, it becomes more manageable and less intimidating. So, the next time you’re faced with a big challenge, try tackling it chunk by chunk. You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish!

Thanks for joining me on this journey—until next time!

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