106 - Total Well-Being - How Forward Looking Employers are Responding

October 28, 2024 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM Central Standard Time
Mr. Scott Ramsay
Nathan Thomas Counts
Paul M. Sepe
Riddhi Patel
Robert G. Holdom
Una Clementine Raghavan
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 0.00
Employees’ physical, mental, social, and financial health impacts their productivity and engagement – making it a business imperative. Employers are focusing on the diverse needs of its multigenerational workforce in developing their well-being approach. In addition, questions about the ROI of these program require strong strategy and governance to maximize the impact of these programs. Join us for this interactive session.

406 - Productivity, Project Management, and Talent Development in the Hybrid Workplace

October 29, 2024 8:00 AM - 9:40 AM Central Standard Time
Ellen L. Kleinstuber
Kelly Beth Boschke
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 2.00
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 0.00
The migration to a hybrid work environment provides flexibility and opportunity for employers and employees. It also necessitates rethinking many of the aspects of how we manage work and develop talent. Speakers explore how consulting firms are using these issues as a springboard for innovating how we run the modern actuarial workplace.

709 - Actuarial Challenges in Europe and Latin America

October 30, 2024 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM Central Standard Time
Andres D'avila
Andres Orlando Soria Zapata
Danielle Wilson
James L. Jones
James Whittingham
Mr. Matthies Verstegen
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 0.00
There are numerous topics being addressed in Europe (particularly in the Netherlands) and Latin America. During this session, panelists discuss some of the current topics within these geographic areas, how local teams are addressing them, and their points of view.

601 - Small Plan Terminations - PBGC and Non-PBGC Plans

October 30, 2024 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM Central Standard Time
Justin F. Greindl
Lance Paul Roteman
Meredith J. Sesser
EA Core 1.50
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.50
Speakers cover small plan terminations for PBGC and non-PBGC plans. We will review the general steps to consider when terminating a pension plan. Some issues to be covered are participant notification, distribution of plan assets, communication with service providers, compliance with PBGC regulations and participant education.

609 - Social Security: What Went Wrong?

October 30, 2024 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM Central Standard Time
Jerry Mingione
Mr. Ron Gebhardtsbauer
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 1.50
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.50
Social Security reform legislation of 1983 purported to address that system’s funding, and stabilize the program into the 2060s -- beyond the lifetime of baby boomers. But the Social Security trust fund is now projected to be depleted in 2034. What went wrong? What did the 1983 system’s architects project that turned out to be over-optimistic? (Hint: it wasn’t demographics.) This session will compare the demographic and economic realities of today to what those 1983 folks projected. Are there any lessons to be learned that we can apply to current model-building approaches?

404 - Value Based Care: What is the Value?

October 29, 2024 8:00 AM - 9:40 AM Central Standard Time
James Dolstad
Jennifer Leazzo
Kevin E. Dotson
Mr. Jeremiah D. Reuter
Sara Corrough Teppema
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 2.00
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 0.00
Value-based care enrollment continues to grow, but does it really produce value? Panelists provide insights on how value is created and varies by line of business. In addition, the value to members, payers, and providers will be delineated.

The Power of Prominent Women in Consulting - A Women in Consulting Community Event

October 29, 2024 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM Central Standard Time
Jessica Kachur
Ms. Aree K. Bly
Ms. Kelly Conlin
Riddhi Patel
Join us for this interactive discussion of female leaders and their influence. During this session, presenters discuss the background, success measures, and qualities of female leaders. The audience then has an opportunity to discuss and provide examples of their own.

Professionalism for Healthcare Actuaries 2024

August 21, 2024 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM Central Standard Time
Brian J. Mullen
David M. Tuomala
Mr. R. Jason Reed
Ms. Susan Pantely
CPD 1.50
In this CCA health series webinar, presenters discuss professionalism topics of interest to healthcare actuaries in an interactive environment including audience polling. Topics will include an overview of two Actuarial Standards of Practice applicable to general actuarial practice – ASOP 56 Modeling and ASOP 12 Risk Classification. Case studies addressing areas of health practice that may pose challenges related to the application of these and other professional standards when using advanced analytic methods, including machine learning, artificial intelligence, and predictive analytics will also be discussed.

208 - PBGC Update for Single and Multiemployer Plans

October 28, 2024 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM Central Standard Time
Mariah Becker
EA Core 1.50
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.50
PBGC provides an update on recent regulations and the Corporation’s regulatory agenda impacting multiemployer and single-employer plans.

Healthcare Community Forum

October 29, 2024 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Central Standard Time
The CCA Healthcare Community meets to discuss current issues, outlooks, and news. Neither CCA nor Healthcare Community membership is required to attend.

407 - ADEC vs Fixed Rate Plans - Other ASOP 4 Issues

October 29, 2024 8:00 AM - 9:40 AM Central Standard Time
Elizabeth A. Wiley
Ms Koren L. Holden
EA Core 2.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 2.00
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 2.00
Come participate in a discussion where we will compare and contrast ADEC and fixed rate plans, as well as discuss possible impact of contribution lags, output smoothing, level-dollar payments, on UAAL and other ASOP 4 issues.

403 - Executive Compensation and Benefits from an Actuary’s Perspective

October 29, 2024 8:00 AM - 9:40 AM Central Standard Time
Aaron J.L. Pedowitz
Charles Alexander Laun
David Scharf
Joseph S. Adams
Mellissa Lim
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 1.00
CPD 2.00
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.00
If your only exposure to a non-qualified plan is an excess plan SERP, you’re missing out. Speakers provide basic education on a host of non-qualified and executive compensation plans and arrangements. Note: EA credit for this session will be reviewed and may be revised depending on content.

Executive Compensation and Benefits Community Forum

October 29, 2024 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Central Standard Time
The CCA Executive Compensation and Benefits Community meets to discuss current issues, outlooks, and news. Neither CCA nor Executive Compensation and Benefits Community membership is required to attend.

702 - Preparing for Retirement Plan Accounting Disclosures

October 30, 2024 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM Central Standard Time
Andrew Christian Etheridge
Kelly A. Fischer
Ms Casey Shork
Ms. Emily G. Stuber
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 1.50
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.50
At this session, presenters discuss lessons learned from prior disclosure () and help you prepare for upcoming disclosures.

205 - Large Claimant Trends and Risk Mitigation

October 28, 2024 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM Central Standard Time
Jennifer Leming
Leslie Julia Lucas
Mr. Douglas Punt
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 0.00
Join us for an interactive discussion on what conditions and treatments are driving large claims in employer health plans and what may be on the horizon. Explore what employers are considering in stoploss strategies to help mitigate ever increasing claims projection volatility.

302 - ERISA Trivia

October 28, 2024 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM Central Standard Time
Grace Barbieri
Jessica DiGregorio-Vanderhoef
Spencer Kunze
EA Core 1.50
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.50
ERISA turns 50! Whether you are a new Enrolled Actuary or have a few years under your belt, spend 75 minutes testing your actuarial knowledge.

503 - The Many Flavors of Accounting Standards

October 29, 2024 10:10 AM - 11:50 AM Central Standard Time
Grace Barbieri
James G. Berberian
Ms Casey Shork
Philip Bonanno
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 2.00
CPD 2.00
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 2.00
Why are there so many accounting standards? IFRS vs. GAAP vs. CAS vs. statutory accounting, what are the differences? This session is an introduction to the many different ways pension plans are accounted for, and includes a compare and contrast between the measures.

Multiemployer Plans Community Forum

October 29, 2024 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Central Standard Time
The CCA Multiemployer Plans Community meets to discuss current issues, outlooks, and news. Neither CCA nor Multiemployer Plans Community membership is required to attend.

309 - Reflecting Climate Change in the Management of Public and Private Pension Plans

October 28, 2024 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM Central Standard Time
Assia Billig
Douglas J. Carey
Mr. Matthies Verstegen
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 0.00
Our financial future is undeniably linked to the health of our planet, making the integration of climate change into the management of pension plan a critical need. Speakers from outside the USA who have studied and reacted to these needs speak of the urgency and their experiences with both private and public plans.

508 - Post-SFA Compliance - Don't Mess This Up!

October 29, 2024 10:10 AM - 11:50 AM Central Standard Time
Bryan McCormick
Heather Ray
James Andrew Nolan
Mr Paul Lowell Graf
EA Core 2.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 2.00
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 2.00
Panelists discuss the ins and outs of Post-SFA compliance. Topics will include post-SFA benefit improvements, PBGC reporting and certification, phase-in of SFA in withdrawal liability calculations, and notice requirements.

003 - Ethics Never Retires

October 29, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:40 PM Central Standard Time
Adrienne Lieberthal
Christine M O'Neal
Dr Ethan E. Kra
Mr. David R. Godofsky
Robert J. Reiskytl
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 2.00
EA Ethics 2.00
EA Formal 2.00
In this highly participatory session, the speaker use case studies to guide audience discussion of some of the ethical challenges and dilemmas that actuaries face every day and identify possible alternatives for handling these challenges.

303 - M&A Activity with Multiemployer Liability Exposure

October 28, 2024 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM Central Standard Time
Mr John H. Lowell
Mr. Mitchell H. Hofing
Mr. Stephen N. Eisenstein
EA Core 1.50
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.50
It is not uncommon for retirement plan consultants to help with M&A activity. But what happens when your client is acquiring a company with multiemployer liability exposure? The speakers in this session walk through the key considerations and analysis that needs to be addressed to help your client make optimal decision with respect to their target acquisition.

002 - Business Session & Naked Networking with Kari Mirabal

October 28, 2024 8:00 AM - 10:15 AM Central Standard Time
Cheryl A. Ham
David Scharf
Derek N. Guyton
Kari Mirabal
Mr. Craig P. Rosenthal
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 0.00
The CCA’s Business Session precedes the Monday General Session with the welcoming of attendees, announcement of new directors and officers, Treasurer’s Report and presentation of the CCA’s annual awards. Our keynote presentation by Kari Mirabal immediately follows. Today’s competitive business market demands results, and a powerful circle of influence can help you achieve optimal results. Welcome to NAKED Networking® - a dynamic keynote that explores five common networking mistakes (and provides solutions). You'll explore an easy to remember acronym, NAKED (Neglect, Afraid, Knowledge, Engage, Dedicate) with Kari Mirabal, networking expert and high-energy presenter who leaves audiences begging for more. She leverages storytelling and simple real-world strategies to build and sustain authentic connections. Discover how to position yourself for success in this energizing experience that challenges you to build and sustain powerful networks. Brace yourself for an exhilarating journey as you dive into creative methods to "NETWORK SMARTER".

507 - Surfing the Pension Reef Form Wave and Avoiding the Wipeout

October 29, 2024 10:10 AM - 11:50 AM Central Standard Time
Kevin Scott Spanier
Mr. Daniel D. Andersen
Mr. James J. Rizzo
Mr. Kevin Olineck
Todd David Kanaster
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 2.00
CPD 2.00
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 2.00
System administrators discuss pension reforms they’ve implemented. Hear them compare and contrast various methods of risk sharing and cost management, successes, failures, and lessons learned.

504 - …And in This Corner…

October 29, 2024 10:10 AM - 11:50 AM Central Standard Time
Mr. John Barkett
Trevis G. Parson
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 2.00
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 0.00
With a bruising election season underway, this session will dive into competing healthcare policy proposals. Candidates take the stage to make their cases and to take questions directly from the audience. Come prepared to participate and get into the weeds of healthcare issues certain to be top of mind for your clients.

Public Plans Community Forum

October 29, 2024 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Central Standard Time
The CCA Public Plans Community meets to discuss current issues, outlooks, and news. Neither CCA nor Public Plans Community membership is required to attend.

108 - Withdrawal Liability - A Legal Perspective

October 28, 2024 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM Central Standard Time
Mr. Mitchell H. Hofing
Mr. Neil V. Shah
Mr. Randall C. McGeorge
EA Core 1.50
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.50
The panel will consist of several attorneys specializing in multiemployer pension plans. They will discuss current contentious legal issues affecting these plans. Topics will include: withdrawal liability discount rates, timing of assumptions, changes, successor liability, etc.

Considering Diversity in Serving Clients

August 14, 2024 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM Central Standard Time
Emojoy Brown
Ms. Tonya B. Manning
Troy L. Ware
CPD 1.50
How can you use Diversity to best serve clients? How can you transform diversity requirements to drive better results for you and your clients? In this CCA cross discipline webinar, presenters discuss these questions and more.

104 - AI in Health Care Delivery

October 28, 2024 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM Central Standard Time
Edward M. Pudlowski
Kerri Willis
Ms. Jocelyn Herrington
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 0.00
AI has tremendous potential to influence how healthcare is delivered with expectations of a more efficient and cost-effective healthcare system. Presenters focus on how AI is currently being deployed and where it may lead in the diagnoses, delivery, and administration of healthcare. The intention of the discussion is to help the healthcare actuary better understand the changes that are occurring, and may occur in the future, such that they can best prepared to reflect these adaptations into their financial models.

308 - Dueling Multiemployer Actuaries: What we Like to Argue About These Days?

October 28, 2024 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM Central Standard Time
Bryan McCormick
Jay K. Egelberg
Mr John Michael Redmond, Jr
Mr. Joshua Shapiro
EA Core 1.50
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.50
Enjoy watching a good debate? Come watch multiemployer actuaries discuss the gray areas of the profession.

Financial Reporting in Healthcare - 2024 Edition

December 11, 2024 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM Central Standard Time
CPD 1.50
In this CCA health series webinar, presenters discuss current topics in financial reporting including statements of actuarial opinion for appointed actuaries, techniques and considerations for calculating health reserves, regulatory compliance issues, or other current topics of interest to actuaries working with healthcare financial reporting. Perspectives may include those of health plans, employers, auditors, or regulatory actuaries.

501 - ERISA 50 Years - Where has the Time Gone?

October 29, 2024 10:10 AM - 11:50 AM Central Standard Time
Christian R. Veenstra
Mr. David R. Godofsky
Ms. Tonya B. Manning
Richard O. Goehring
EA Core 1.00
EA Non-Core 1.00
CPD 2.00
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 2.00
A new car cost $5,000, a new home cost $35,000 and life expectancy at birth was age 72. All in the Family was the most popular TV show and “The Way We Were” by Barbara Streisand was the number one song. The year was 1974 and President Gerald Ford signed ERISA into law on September 2nd. Fifty years have come and gone and retirement plans have aged and matured. Have the changes been for the better or worse? Attend this session and hear our experts discuss how ERISA has evolved and changed the American retirement plan landscape!

606 - Lessons Learned From Starting and Running a New Consulting Business

October 30, 2024 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM Central Standard Time
Adrienne Lieberthal
Derek N. Guyton
Donna C. Novak
Rob Bacher
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 0.00
While the dream of starting your own consulting firm can be very attractive, many consultants have found that they encountered unexpected or surprising issues. Speakers cover the most critical challenges they have faced with their own firms, including data security, difficult client expectations and working with subcontractors.

Retiree Medical Options and Valuation Considerations for Retiree Group Benefits

September 18, 2024 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM Central Standard Time
Daniel J. Rhodes
Debra S. Medlin
CPD 1.50
Many employers still provide group medical benefits for retirees. For large employers who still cover a substantial number of Medicare Eligible Retirees, more employers are moving towards custom-designed EGWP MA Plans to take advantage of federal subsidies and OPEB valuation considerations. Speakers discuss some of the advantages of using these programs and other topics relevant to employer-sponsored retiree programs. Additional topics may include: other potential benefit options for Medicare-eligible retirees, recent CMS changes, and others. This CCA webinar is included in the health series and the retirement series.

305 - Health Equity - Affordability and Access to Care (Including Telehealth)

October 28, 2024 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM Central Standard Time
Annette V James
Ms. Thuong Broaden
Samantha Meyer
Sara Corrough Teppema
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 0.00
What is health equity and access? Factors that impact access to care and affordability. Telehealth benefits and barriers.

001 - Shape of Things to Come: Demographic Decline, Economic Stagnation and Geopolitical Instability

October 27, 2024 5:15 PM - 6:55 PM Central Standard Time
Mr. Thomas S. Terry
Neil Howe
Richard Jackson
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 0.00
Birthrates have collapsed across much of the world. Most developed countries, including the United States, face a future of population aging and slowing economic growth. Workforces will shrink, fiscal burdens will rise, and public debt will mount. Zero-sum isolationism and protective trade barriers may spread. While populations in some parts of the emerging world are still growing (think Sub-Saharan Africa), others (think China, Russia, or Iran) are experiencing unprecedented demographic decline. All of this could be destabilizing. Our presenters examine how demographic trends are reshaping the economic and geopolitical landscape of the twenty-first century. They will also explore possible strategies for staving off demographic and economic decline, from enacting pro-natal policies to increasing immigration and extending work lives.

Leadership Development Community Luncheon

October 28, 2024 12:05 PM - 1:30 PM Central Standard Time
Michael S. Clark
Ms. Aree K. Bly
During this lunch session, we’ll explore various styles of leadership. We’ll look at what leadership is and how different styles of leadership work, their benefits, and their challenges. Understanding different leadership styles is key to your success in whatever situations you find yourself.

Smaller Actuarial Consulting Firms Community Forum

October 29, 2024 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Central Standard Time
The CCA Smaller Actuarial Consulting Firms Community meets to discuss current issues, outlooks, and news. Neither CCA nor Smaller Actuarial Consulting Firms Community membership is required to attend.

101 - Late Breaking Developments

October 28, 2024 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM Central Standard Time
James G. Berberian
Ms. Christina M. Wiatrowski
Ms. Kelsey Mayo
Ms. Margaret S. Berger
Richard O. Goehring
EA Core 0.75
EA Non-Core 0.75
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.50
Expert speakers discuss the latest developments in the private pension sector. Recent rulings and regulations (proposed and final) are covered in addition to pending retirement plan legislation and litigation activity.

105 - Healthcare 2030: Where Are We Headed?

October 28, 2024 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM Central Standard Time
Mr. Drew E. Hodgson
Mr. Mark Wernicke
Tim Stawicki
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 0.00
Aging population, shrinking provider pool, hospital consolidation and closures, and the impact of technology. The macroeconomic healthcare environment will change in ways both known and unknown in the next 5-10 years. Join our panel of experts and futurists as we peer into the crystal ball to consider the impact of possible futures in the healthcare market.

608 - Multiemployer Workshop and Hot Topics

October 30, 2024 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM Central Standard Time
Heather Ray
Jay K. Egelberg
EA Core 1.50
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.50
Speakers dive into hot topics within the multiemployer universe. Current issues, outlooks, and the latest news are addressed and debated.

704 - Pharmacy Forward: Navigating Recent Shifts and Anticipating Future Trends

October 30, 2024 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM Central Standard Time
Ian M. Smith
Mr. Andrew Bourgoin
Ms. Dana McCormick
Sarah M. Martin
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 0.00
Pharmacy discussion moving past the impact of GLP-1 and discussing the impact of biosimilars and other emerging trends. Can also cover impact of cost negotiations for Medicare drugs. Gain valuable insights to navigate these shifts and stay ahead in this ever-evolving healthcare sector.

203 - Retiree Medical Plan Design and Funding Opportunities

October 28, 2024 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM Central Standard Time
Jeremy P. Olszewski
Kevin James Penderghest
Steven D. Draper
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 0.75
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 0.75
Want to hear about the latest design opportunities with retiree medical plans, options and issues for funding them and implications for valuing such plans? Join our panelists as they discuss these very topics. Specific items include: Use of Medicare Advantage plans, HRAs, and Pre-Medicare designs; funding retiree medical plans through VEBA trusts, 401(h) accounts, and 420 transfers as well as how to determine the maximum tax-deductible contribution; a review of assumptions specific to retiree medical plan valuations such as draw-down, assumptions for account-based plans, and reconciling pre-65 expected benefit payments.

107 - CCA White Paper 2.0

October 28, 2024 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM Central Standard Time
Mr Robert (Andy) Blough
Paul Angelo
Wendy Tucker Ludbrook
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 1.50
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.50
In May 2024 the CCA released an exposure draft of a revision to their white paper “Actuarial Funding Policies and Practices for Public Pension Plans.” Speakers at this session review what is new in “white paper 2.0” including areas where the public sector community was invited to comment.

Current Topics in Employee Benefits

November 06, 2024 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM Central Standard Time
CPD 1.50
In this CCA health series webinar, presenters discuss current topics in employee benefits, including health benefit plan design, network offerings, stop-loss, health captives, innovations in cost containment, or other current topics of interest to actuaries working with employers and their health plans. Topics may include actuaries, health plans, employers, or other industry experts.

505 - Current Topics in Medicare Advantage, Part D, and the Inflation Reduction Act

October 29, 2024 10:10 AM - 11:50 AM Central Standard Time
Dan Hoffman
David M. Tuomala
Ms. Jennifer Carioto
Steven D. Draper
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 2.00
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 0.00
Speakers highlight current topics in Medicare Advantage, Part D, and changes to the programs due to the Inflation Reduction Act. Topics will include Medicare Advantage, Part D, employer sponsored Medicare plans and OPEB valuation issues.

506 - Tools for Data Analytics and AI

October 29, 2024 10:10 AM - 11:50 AM Central Standard Time
Donna C. Novak
Justin N. Hornburg
Ms. Courtney Bach
Patricia A. Rotello
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 2.00
CPD 2.00
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 2.00
Tools for data analytics, programming and AI are proliferating at a fast pace. What are the various tools out there and what are they used for, and, particularly in the case of AI, how can they be used responsibly. Panelists present a survey of various analytic and programming tools, and take a deep dive into how AI can and is being used to increase efficiency, in a responsible way, both at an enterprise level and at the personal level.

707 - Public Plans Workshop

October 30, 2024 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM Central Standard Time
Kevin Scott Spanier
Michelle Boyles
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 1.50
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.50
This is an open forum on topics of interest to public sector actuaries. The topics are selected by session attendees and may include: funding to surplus, volatility management, impact of higher interest rates on plan design, economic assumptions including ASOP 27, and ASOP 4.

405 - Charting the Course: The Pre-Medicare and Medicare Individual Marketplace After the IRA

October 29, 2024 8:00 AM - 9:40 AM Central Standard Time
Jessica Arnold
Mr John V. Grosso
Mr. Joshua Ryan Phelps
Paul L. Koch
Trevis G. Parson
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 2.00
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 0.00
Speakers discuss opportunities in both the pre-Medicare and Medicare marketplace following the IRA. Topics include shifts in premiums, coverage options and out-of-pocket costs, offering a comprehensive understanding of how the legislative changes impact individuals, carriers and the broader healthcare system. We may also dive into differences between group MA and individual MA.

502 - SECURE 2.0: Guidance and Design Opportunities for DC Plans

October 29, 2024 10:10 AM - 11:50 AM Central Standard Time
Jeremy P. Olszewski
Mr. Preston Traverse
Mr. Syed Fahad Saghir
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 1.00
CPD 2.00
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.00
The SECURE 2.0 Act changed a lot for administration and design of DC plans. Speaker review SECURE 2.0 guidance issued in the past year impacting DC plans as well as discuss plan design opportunities. Possibilities in the area of Pooled Employer Plans (PEPs), Multiple Employer Plans (MEPs), and Group of Plans (GOPs) will also be discussed.

605 - Consumerism in Healthcare? Yes!

October 30, 2024 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM Central Standard Time
James Dolstad
Michael A. Clarke
Mr. Steven L. Brodigan
Ms. Kathryn I. Curry-Lorusso
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 0.00
How can employers and payers better engage members from plan selection through to health improvement? Panelists cover how the industry is addressing this challenge and laying out the road map to be more consumer focused leveraging today’s technology. In addition, an Aon representative provides highlights of their recent Surest study focused on affordability and access. Finally, consumerism needs to work financially for both employers and payers. Speakers discuss how payers are partnering with employers to enhance consumerism across all aspects of healthcare.

602 - Successfully Working With the PBGC

October 30, 2024 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM Central Standard Time
Gail Steward
Israel Goldowitz
Katherine B. Kohn
Matthew Robert Fishel
EA Core 1.50
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.50
Panelists discuss issues relating to single-employer plans and PBGC that companies may face. Speakers discuss recent developments and provide practical tips and best practices for working with PBGC. Topics may include PBGC’s recent outreach to church plans following the 2023 Government Accountability Report on those plans, standard terminations, the early-warning program, 4010 filings, reportable events, coverage, recent guidance and developments and the Advocate.

401 - 415/417

October 29, 2024 8:00 AM - 9:40 AM Central Standard Time
Brandon R. West
John Malcolm Merrill
Joseph C. Anzalone
EA Core 2.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 2.00
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 2.00
We are all familiar with the requirements under IRC 415 and 417 but when was the last time you dug into them? Was it when you sat for your EA exams? Come learn about what is new (and not so new) with 415 and 417.

408 - Long Term Plan Solvency - SFA and Other Factors

October 29, 2024 8:00 AM - 9:40 AM Central Standard Time
Alexandra Willson
David Murad
James J McKeogh
Kelly S. Coffing
Mr. Joshua Shapiro
EA Core 2.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 2.00
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 2.00
Long-term plan solvency is a key consideration for multiemployer pension plans. Panelists discuss how that is influenced by SFA, annuity purchases, immunization, plan mergers, and other strategies.

603 - Communicating Actuarial Results

October 30, 2024 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM Central Standard Time
Jancee Hartman
Michael S. Clark
Mona Auji
Theophilus Chukwueke, Jr
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 1.50
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.50
Communicating technical actuarial results can be just as complicated as the work that goes into the numbers. Speakers discuss the various approaches to communicating pension actuarial work product in a way that principals can understand and make informed decisions.

Understanding Model Risk and the Actuary’s Duties Under ASOP 56

December 04, 2024 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM Central Standard Time
EA Core 1.50
CPD 1.50
EA Formal 1.50
Models play an increasingly important role in analyzing and funding pension funds. Model risk management has become an important component in actuarial practice with respect to these funds. In this CCA retirement series webinar, our focus is on how ASOP 56 guides an actuary in reviewing models and best practices for proper model management.

703 - Fiduciary Considerations in Annuity Placements

October 30, 2024 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM Central Standard Time
John Malcolm Merrill
Mr. James Peter Walton
Ms. Tonya B. Manning
William Ryan
EA Core 0.75
EA Non-Core 0.75
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.50
Doc. 1.B 95-1 provides guidance to fiduciaries purchasing annuities but there is a lot to consider when acting as a fiduciary. Panelists discuss the new congress report (if released), public testimony on 95-1 requirements, state guaranty structures, and the new investment advice fiduciary rule and best practices around annuity placements.

706 - The Crossroads Between DB and DC: How Did We Get Here and What Does the Future State Resemble?

October 30, 2024 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM Central Standard Time
Mr. Dan Doonan
Mr. Ernie Caballero
Mr. Phillip A. Merdinger
Mr. Thomas Snowberger
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 1.50
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.50
Retirement is broken. Too many Americans can’t afford to retire. This is a problem for workers and employers. This session will explore what is causing the problem, why it matters, and who we can, as actuaries, help fix it.

705 - Behavioral Health: Analytics and the Current State

October 30, 2024 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM Central Standard Time
Mr. Greg Williams
Mr. Travis Jay Gray
Robert L. Schenck
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 0.00
There has been an increased focus on behavioral health care since the onset of the pandemic. Panelists delve into recent examples of analytics in the behavioral health space and current issues in the United States behavioral health system they help illustrate. Recent regulation updates and innovations are also addressed.

102 - (When Things Don't Go According to) Plan Administration

October 28, 2024 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM Central Standard Time
Aaron Rothstein
Gail Steward
Pete J. Neuwirth
EA Core 1.50
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.50
Late retirement can introduce plan administration complexities including actuarial increase of required minimum distributions. Panelists discuss the issues to look out for and offer practical approaches to late retirement issues.

Orange is the New Gray

November 13, 2024 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM Central Standard Time
Ellen L. Kleinstuber
Maria M. Sarli
Mr. Lawrence J. Sher
EA Core 1.50
CPD 1.50
EA Formal 1.50
CCA has made available a new member benefit, called the “Orange Book”. The Orange Book is similar to the old Gray and Blue Books, except without government involvement. Through the Orange Book, a panel of experienced practitioners provide thoughts and potential answers, along with rationale for the potential answers, on uncertain regulatory issues. This CCA retirement series webinar will cover some of the first questions addressed by the panel.

301 - Practical Applications of Retirement ASOPs

October 28, 2024 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM Central Standard Time
Andrew Christian Etheridge
Andrew Mark Zmich
Ms. Allegra Barrett
Stacey Marie Schmid
EA Core 1.50
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.50
Retirement ASOPs continue to be updated and practical application of these changes also evolves. Presenters discuss recent changes and share considerations on how to implement into your work.

202 - Decumulation/Retirement Income Planning in a DC World

October 28, 2024 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM Central Standard Time
Mr. Craig P. Rosenthal
Mr. Kenneth E. Levine
Pete J. Neuwirth
Ruth E. Schau
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 1.50
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.50
DC plans can provide a great retirement benefit but most participants rely on some form of withdrawal rather than convert some of their assets into lifetime income. With interest rates at today’s levels and some of the recent SECURE Act changes is it time for lifetime income to finally take off?

103 - Just Your Average Annuity Placement Session

October 28, 2024 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM Central Standard Time
Joseph C. Anzalone
Kate J. Breen
Mr. Jay Dinunzio
Mr. Ted Law
Shannon L. Eidson
Sheena Margaret McEwen
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 1.50
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.50
As the annuity purchase market evolves, so do the insurers. In past Annual Meeting sessions, we’ve taken a broad view of the PRT market. Speakers in this session focus on average-sized annuity placements and below and the issues associated with them. You’ll walk away with the perspective from some of the insurers that participate in small to mid-sized transactions.

109 - Interconnected Global Economy: Trade Wars and Comparing Employer Costs

October 28, 2024 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM Central Standard Time
Mike Spetko
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 0.00
Global supply chains are on the move. Highlighting changing demographic trends. Speakers at this session explore how actuaries in HR can influence corporate decisions. They discuss changing population, education, future of work and impact on labor costs.

304 - Shining a Light: The Transformative Power of Healthcare Transparency Data

October 28, 2024 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM Central Standard Time
Alan J. Silver
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 0.00
In this illuminating session speaker delve into the pivotal role of healthcare transparency data in shaping the future of healthcare. We’ll explore how transparency data enables objective evaluation of healthcare quality, cost effectiveness, and practical outcomes. Ultimately, we will look to underscore the indispensable value of transparency data in facilitating informed evaluations and continuous enhancement within the healthcare landscape.

607 - OPEB Funding

October 30, 2024 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM Central Standard Time
Mr. James J. Rizzo
Mr. Joseph Michael Kropiewnicki
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 0.75
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 0.75
Speakers cover a variety of topics related to OPEB Funding, including key elements of an OPEB contribution policy, the advantages and drawbacks to OPEB pre-funding, and the similarities and differences between OPEB and pension pre-funding.

004 - Professionalism and Ethics for Healthcare Actuaries

October 29, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:40 PM Central Standard Time
David M. Tuomala
Dr Ian G. Duncan
Edward M. Pudlowski
Justin N. Hornburg
Mr Dean W. Kepraios
Ms Tanya E. Sun
Tim Stawicki
Yi-Ling Lin
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 2.00
EA Ethics 1.00
EA Formal 1.00
This interactive session covers unique and sometimes real-life client situations where panelists pose case studies and share their experiences, recommendations, and make reference to ASOPs and Precepts. Panelists also challenge the audience in determining the “right” thing to do from a professional and ethical perspective. There will be live polling and discussions so be prepared to provide your valuable input.

701 - Small Plan Administration and Corrections

October 30, 2024 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM Central Standard Time
Lance Paul Roteman
Lynn M. Young
Ms. Kelsey Mayo
EA Core 1.50
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.50
Join us for an informative session on plan administration and corrections for small plans. This session will cover key aspects of managing retirement plans in the current regulatory environment. This session will also cover the IRS programs for corrections such as the Employee Plans Compliance Resolution System (EPCRS) and the Self Correction Program (SCP).

307 - Investing Strategies for Public Plans Including Leverage, CMAs and Alternatives

October 28, 2024 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM Central Standard Time
Mr Randall J. Dziubek
Mr. James David Anderson
Mr. James Peter Walton
Mr. Mark Henry Buis
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 1.50
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.50
The low interest rate environment of the last 15 years has resulted in public retirement systems increasing the usage of leverage and alternative investments to enhance returns. Speakers explore how these strategies have evolved over the years and what the actuary should consider when reviewing capital market assumptions. Hear directly from investment and retirement system experts.

402 - Reopening DB Plans

October 29, 2024 8:00 AM - 9:40 AM Central Standard Time
Aaron Rothstein
Lee D. Gold
Mr. Craig P. Rosenthal
Mr. Zach Cohen
EA Core 1.00
EA Non-Core 1.00
CPD 2.00
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 2.00
As DB plans become overfunded and/or companies look to differentiate themselves in the war for talent, a DB benefit can provide retirement security. Speakers discuss why a sponsor may want to reopen their DB plan and discuss creative designs that appropriately balance risk. Notes: Variable Annuity and Market-Based Cash Balance

Looking Back at ASOP 51

September 11, 2024 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM Central Standard Time
Kelly Lynn Adams
Maria E. Simmers
EA Core 1.50
CPD 1.50
EA Formal 1.50
In this CCA retirement series webinar, speakers discuss what they have learned since the implementation of ASOP 51, and best practices for properly meeting the ASOP requirements.

005 - Closing Session

October 30, 2024 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Central Standard Time
Cheryl A. Ham
David Scharf
Yi-Ling Lin
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 0.00
The 2024 CCA Annual Meeting concludes with the final remarks of the CCA President, the passing of the gavel to the President Elect, and our closing general session.

209 - Interest Rates?

October 28, 2024 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM Central Standard Time
Michael S. Clark
Mr. Jay Love
Mr. Jonathan R. Barry
Mr. R. Evan Inglis
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 1.50
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.50
A long period of liberal monetary policy and historically low rates followed the capital market crisis of 2008. Then everything changed. The COVID crisis brought a flood of fiscal stimulus, and inflation surged. In response, the Fed tightened monetary policy and rates rose dramatically. Now inflation is winding down, and monetary policy is certain to loosen. What will happen to interest rates? There’s a consensus that they’ll drop, but how much? What’s the natural level of rates absent policy intervention? Speakers explore the supply/demand drivers of rates and implications for the near and long term.

201 - Orange is the New Gray

October 28, 2024 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM Central Standard Time
Bruce Cadenhead
Maria M. Sarli
Scott A Hittner
EA Core 1.50
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.50
For its members, the CCA maintains a library of CCA’s Pension Actuarial Resource Committee discussion of technical and regulatory retirement topic questions submitted by members. The discussions are similar to the former Gray Books (IRS), Blue Books (PBGC), and Green Books (DOL) published at the EA Meeting. Panelists lead a review of recent discussions of particular interest and facilitate a dialogue on practical implications and alternative approaches.

206 - Evolving Trends in ERISA and Related Litigation

October 28, 2024 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM Central Standard Time
Elena V. Black
Mr. Jeremy P. Blumenfeld
Ms. Melissa D. Hill
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 1.50
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.50
Speakers at this session provide an introduction to the stages of class action litigation, and then examine the key trends in current litigation spanning DC plans, investments, DB plans, and health plan topics.

409 - Addressing Global Retirement Challenges With Corporate Spinoff Transactions

October 29, 2024 8:00 AM - 9:40 AM Central Standard Time
Mitsuyasu Nishiwaki
Mr. John Ashton
Mr. Nick C. Thornley
Vaibhavi V. Patel
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 2.00
CPD 2.00
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 2.00
After years of consolidation, there has been a trend among large global multinationals to divest its non-core businesses and focus their efforts on their core business. It is customary for the divested businesses to inherit the retirement programs that are not aligned with the spinoff company’s business model. In this session we will first discuss what companies need to do to prepare for the spinoff from a pension accounting perspective. Then we will address how divested companies have dealt with the challenge of inheriting global programs that may not necessarily align with the company’s business objective.

708 - Non-DB Benefits for Multiemployer Actuaries

October 30, 2024 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM Central Standard Time
Mariah Becker
Mr. Brigen L. Winters
Ms. Elena Lynett
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 0.00
Multiemployer defined benefit pension plans do not operate in a vacuum and are directly impacted by the issues and challenges facing the other benefits negotiated as part of the collective bargaining process. Join our panel of experts to learn about some of the most pressing policy issues facing multiemployer health and welfare and defined contribution plans that are impacting your clients through the collective bargaining process.

604 - Healthcare Trends and Forecasting in a High Inflationary Environment

October 30, 2024 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM Central Standard Time
Jennifer Leming
Liz Ann Kochneff
Ms. Jiangxia Dong
Ms. Katie Martin
Wayne E. Pages
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 0.00
We’ll discuss current trends and drivers of healthcare costs, as well as how stakeholders such as consumers, providers, insurers, legislators, and employers are responding.

509 - FE and LDI: Lessons Learned After 20 Years

October 29, 2024 10:10 AM - 11:50 AM Central Standard Time
David Murad
Justin Owens
Ms. Yubo Wang
Richard Royce Ford
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 2.00
CPD 2.00
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 2.00
Financial economics concepts entered the pension arena about 20 years ago, and have had a strong impact on both liability valuation and investment strategies. These developments were accelerated by first the maturation and then the winding down of pension programs. How have FE-related thinking and approaches evolved over time? What new challenges have arisen and how can these be addressed?

207 - GFOA Best Practices and Advisories

October 28, 2024 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM Central Standard Time
Ms. Amy McInerny
Ms. Noreen Jones
Todd N. Tauzer
EA Core 0.00
EA Non-Core 1.50
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.50
The Committee on Retirement Benefits Administration (CORBA) of the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) issues best practices (do this) and advisories (don’t do this) related to public pension and OPEB plans. In the last two years, CORBA has made a strong effort to review and update these documents. Speakers at this session discuss what’s new and notable within CORBA’s best practices and advisories. These will include the Best Practice on “Core Elements of a Funding Policy for Governmental Pension and OPEB Plans”, the Best Practice on “Sustainable Funding Practices for Defined Benefit Pensions and OPEB”, and potentially a fresh update to the Advisory on “Pension Obligation Bonds”. BP – Core elements of funding policy for pensions/OPEB BP – Sustainable funding practices for pensions/OPEB Advisory – Pension Obligation Bonds

306 - Navigating the Gator-Infested Waters With Assistance from the ABCD

October 28, 2024 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM Central Standard Time
Mr David L. Driscoll
Mr John J. Schubert
Mr. William Hines
EA Core 1.50
EA Non-Core 0.00
CPD 1.50
EA Ethics 0.00
EA Formal 1.50
Come and see how the ABCD can help you through its Request for Guidance program and hear some case studies on what not to do.